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olchemim Labelled plant growth regulators Abscisic






[2H6]ABA has been most commonly employed as the internal standard in mass spectrometric quantification of ABA. This internal standard, synthesized by base exchange, works well for analytical procedures in which base exchange is minimal. Efforts have been made to develop an ABA deuterated at C-6 of the side chain and a 13C labelled ABA, to provide an internal standard that would be more stable. Deuterated ABA analogues have also been employed in plant metabolism studies to assess the relative roles of ABA and its catabolites in biological processes affected by ABA.

[2H6](+)-cis,trans-ABSCISIC ACID (D-ABA) [(S)-5-[26](1-hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethyl-4-oxocyclohex-2-en-1-yl)-3-methyl-(2Z,4E)-pentadienoic acid)]

MW 270.36; crystalline; purity > 98% (HPLC)
S:26, 36; CAS: 35671-08-0; C15H142H6O4
(+)-cis,trans-abscisic acid (D-ABA)
034 27211mg
034 27222mg
034 27235mg
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