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olchemim Phytohormone standards OPTICALLY-ACTIVE






Dihydrozeatin has been isolated for the first time from immature seeds of Lupinus luteus. It was revealed to be less active than two other natural cytokinins trans-zeatin and N6-isopentenyladenine in several bioassays. Different cytokinin activity between enantiomers of (R)- and (S)-configurations is also known. The unnatural (R)-(+)-antipode always showed higher cytokinin activity than naturally occurring (S)-(-)-dihydrozeatin. Different R)-(+)- and (S)-(-)-dihydrozeatins are also produced by OlChemIm Ltd.

R-(+)-DIHYDROZEATIN (R-DZ) [(+)-6-(R)-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbutylamino)purine]

MW 221.26; crystalline; purity > 98% (HPLC)
S:26, 36; CAS: 37789-32-5; C10H15N5O
028 06011mg
028 06022mg
028 06032mg

S-(-)-DIHYDROZEATIN (S-DZ) [(-)-6-(S)-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbutylamino)purine]

MW 221.26; crystalline; purity > 98% (HPLC)
S:26, 36; CAS: 14742-97-3; C10H15N5O
029 06011mg
029 06022mg
029 06035mg

R-(-)-DIHYDROZEATIN RIBOSIDE (R-DZR) [(-)-6-(R)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutylamino-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine]

MW 353.38; crystalline; purity > 97% (HPLC)
S:26, 36; CAS: 64070-21-9; C15H23N5O5
028 06111mg
028 06122mg
028 06135mg

S-(-)-DIHYDROZEATIN RIBOSIDE (S-DZR) [(-)-6-(S)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutylamino-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine]

MW 353.38; crystalline; purity > 97% (HPLC)
S:26, 36; CAS: 64070-22-0; C15H23N5O5
029 06111mg
029 06122mg
029 06135mg

R-(-)-DIHYDROZEATIN RIBOSIDE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE SODIUM SALT (R-DZMP) [(-)-6-(R)-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbutylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine-5'-monophosphate disodium monohydrate]

MW 497.35; crystalline; purity > 95% (HPLC)
S:26, 36; CAS: NONE; C15H22N5Na2O8P.H2O
028 50111mg
028 50122mg
028 50135mg
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